
Who We Are & What We Do

Who is Jake?

 There was a time, not long ago, that the software and hardware you purchased not only worked for you, but you actually owned what you purchased.

Fast-forward to today, and you no longer own what you’ve purchased, but instead you have a license to it’s usage. And more than likely, part of those terms, that none of us ever reads, includes invasive data collection policies, directed targeting, or worse. Our technology no longer works for us, but most certainly against us.

I’m Jake, an IT professional disenfranchised with the standards that plague the technology sector, but with the knowledge and skill-set to thwart the gross abuses from those tech companies. And I want to bring those skills to everyone.

Our Core Values


If at all possible, we will use free & open source software to solve your tech issues to keep your data in the safest place it can be, in your hands.

Transparent Pricing

We will always have transparent, and fair pricing. Every transaction comes with a complete breakdown of what you are being charged and why.

Privacy is Paramount

Your privacy is our first priority. We will never sell your data, or use it for anything that is not strictly necessary to get your tech solutions met.

Our Mission

To provide the highest quality IT services to both individuals and companies looking to free themselves from proprietary, and predatory practices of the large tech companies.

Our Vision

The vision we have for the Tampa Bay area is to have the highest level of freedom and security from targeted ads, digital tracking, and malicious actions from not only cyber-criminals, but the very tech companies that do not have your best interest at heart.

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